I was recently “Tagged” on Facebook to ask which books I considered to have “stayed with me.” They might have been memorable for any number of reasons but they must be books the reader could not forget.
How intriguing: Not just favorite books but books with impact. It really got this author thinking about the variety of books I’d read throughout my life, and which ones were implanted in my memory as having impact. After contemplating the challenge, here are ten books that have influenced my life. I’m sure there are more, but these rose to the top of my thoughts:
10 – A Pillar of Iron by Taylor Caldwell; for the first time as a teen reader I was aware of the extensive research that went into a book of historical fiction. I was in awe of the author’s time and hard work spent on gathering facts.
9 – Those Who Love by Irving Stone. Read when I was a teen, I was amazed that real life historical figures could be brought to life in fictional form. I was enthralled by the process and the engaging read.
8 – Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I loved the brave heroine in the midst of suffering circumstances. She held her head high despite those who would treat her as an inferior. The book made me fall in love with window seats to read upon. 😉
7 – Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung. A short but powerful glimpse as to motivations behind being too busy. Thought-provoking.
6 – Simply Salsa by Janet Perez Eckles. Powerful true testimonial from a lovely Christian woman who went blind amidst numerous other trials in her life. Inspiring story of strength and trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior.
5 – A Love Worth Giving by Max Lucado. Allowing Christ’s love to SO fill you that the overflow will spread to those around you.
4 – The Redemption Series by Karen Kingsbury and Gary Smalley. This is five books (Redemption, Remember, Return, Rejoice, Reunion) that sparked my appreciation for the impact Christian fiction can have on a reader. It can actually draw you closer to the Lord. It was a revelation that helped inspire me when I started writing my own Christian fiction.
3 – A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier by Joseph Plumb Martin. First person account by an elderly veteran of that war that brought me into the mindset and language of soldiers during the American Revolution. Best research source for my Revolutionary War era novels.
2 – Roses in December: Comfort for the Grieving Heart by Marilyn Willett Heavilin. Given to me on the day of my daughter’s funeral, this book is the autobiography of a Christian Mom who lost three sons over the course of several years. Inspiring. Heartbreaking. Comforting.
1 – The Bible. Source for my faith, my hope, my salvation.
So what are ten books that have stayed with you? I’d love to read your list.
What a fun post, Elaine.
Books that have had a big impact on me are:
1. The Bible
2. 31 Days of Praise by Ruth Myers ~ taught me the importance, and
life changing power of praising God in all circumstances.
3. Questions of Life ~ the syllabus for the Alpha Course is
Christianity 101
4. Piercing The Darkness & This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti ~
helped me to identify the spiritual battles going on all around
5. Pride & Prejudice ~ Jane Austen – I love her books
6. Jane Eyre ~ Charlotte Bronte
7. A Town Like Alice ~ Nevil Shute Captivating story of love,
sacrifice, and perseverance.
8. Gone With The Wind ~ Margaret Mitchell
9. Desiree ~ Annemarie Selinko
10. War & Peace ~ Leo Tolstoy
And many more
Can’t not include
Follow The The River by James Alexander Thom
Wonderful list, Janet! Thanks for sharing. I see that we share a couple of titles. 😉 Have a BLESSED New Year!