In just two days, Friday, Jan. 18, I have the first two books in the Dawn of America Series releasing: War’s Respite and Love’s Kindling. I cannot tell you how excited I am to see these stories in print!
War’s Respite is my very first prequel, set 16 years prior to Love’s Kindling. War’s Respite is also a novella, while Love’s Kindling and the next two books in the series are all novels.
I’m also quite excited to have a completely new website, thanks to the patient efforts of my webmaster, Cody. He has had the patience of Job in dealing with the numerous glitches that have reared their ugly head in the process. But his persistence—and the prayers of many friends—have saved the day. Thanks to ALL of you who prayed.
My two releases will be featured on several other websites in the near future and I will post them as they release. In the meantime feel free to check out my new site, and read about my new releases under the “Elaine’s Books” tab on my menu bar.
Most importantly, I pray that these two new books will bless you in unexpected ways.
Thank you!! Elaine

Links to pre-order: