I think I must be the worst Author-Blogger! How many months have flown by since I announced my friend, Janet Grunst, and I were both finalists in the category of historical romance for the Selah Award? Too many, that’s for sure!

In truth, I have been overwhelmed with a research trip, book deadline, and family trip for my son and daughter-in-law’s baby shower. I’ve not been twiddling my thumbs, but I apologize for this late blog post!
I owe all my readers an update. The short answer about the Selah winner is … Janet won the Selah award for historical romance!! Now, everyone who is a finalist wishes they received top award. But I tell you, when I heard Janet’s name announced as winner, I was thrilled!! She sat next to me stunned and I literally shook her arm and said, “It’s YOU!! Go up there and get your award!” Her wonderful husband, Ken, was there to see his wife receive this precious acknowledgement of a book well written and I was so pleased for them both. It was an awesome moment and I am SO happy for Janet!
Here is her Selah award-winning book cover for “A Heart Set Free,” so if you’ve not had a chance to read it, be sure to pick up a copy. And please write a review at Amazon and Goodreads. Other readers peruse book reviews and it can really help an author get attention for his or her book.
In summary, congrats to my wonderful friend, Janet, who deserves this special accolade for her first novel!
WELL DONE, dear friend!
Thank you so much, Elaine. I was so excited to be there with you and was sure Saratoga Letters would win, so yes, I was stunned, and humbled. I’m sure the other finalist’s book was also worthy.
It was an awesome evening together and the best book won! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this special event with me. It will always be a treasured memory. ((HUGS))
I am reading “A Heart Set Free” right now … when I get time! 🙂 Got a family of six coming to stay a few days, so my reading time will be soon taken away for awhile! 🙂 Happy for you, Janet!