I’m sitting at my mother’s bedside and she is dying.
It is not an unexpected event since she is 99. But the sheer rapidity of the onset of pneumonia took us all by surprise. She was playing a game with my sister last Saturday. On Sunday she was reading the library books I had picked up for her and anticipating her grandson’s visit this week. By Tuesday, she was short of breath and feverish. By the next Saturday—today—she is unresponsive and near the end.
All we can do is make sure she is comfortable and well cared for. And wait. And pray.
Death always seems to take us by surprise. We know it is coming for us all, yet really, deep down, we push it to the back of our thoughts, assuming it will not happen today. Yet one day, it will happen to each of us—unless the Lord returns before that occurs. We are all terminal.
Yet our souls are not. They continue on after our bodies fail and for those who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, death becomes new life. And I praise God for that because that day can be a celebration as we rejoice with our Savior and are reunited with loved ones in eternity. No more pain. No more tears. No more saying “goodbye” to loved ones.

There are many who have their own ideas of heaven. They think that, somehow, God will allow everyone to enter, especially those who do good works. But Jesus Himself made it quite clear that the road to heaven is narrow while the path to destruction is wide. Some believe that the skinny path is narrow-minded. But the painful road to Calvary was a heavy price to pay for our sins if heaven were open to everyone, regardless of their beliefs.
If it does not matter what we believe as long as we are “good,” why did Jesus have to pay that terrible price? God’s Word says that “our righteousness is as filthy rags.” (Isaiah 64:6) The truth can hurt sometimes. We just can’t act good enough to be clean in God’s eyes because we are born with a sin nature that only the blood of Jesus can reconcile.
It is the age-old battle between good and evil. And the evil one must have shuddered when Jesus gave His all for us. It was victory at last over death and the wages of sin.
This triumph over evil is a free gift to us all by confessing our sins and acknowledging Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus Himself said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Something to consider—before you reach your termination date.
Beautifully and truthfully stated, Elaine. My prayers are with you and your family during this tender time. The loss of those whom we love, even to heaven, is painful. For believers it’s only a temporary parting. I pray that you will experience God’s love and provision in the days ahead.
Thank you, dear Janet. Blessings and ((HUGS))
Well said, Elaine. Praying for Gods comfort as you anticipate your mom’s home going. (((hugs)))
Thank you, Marsha. I so appreciate your prayers.
Hugs, Elaine. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your mom and the entire family. God bless you all. This was a very thoughtful and emotional post.
((HUGS))) back, Lisa, and heartfelt thanks.
Beautiful message, Elaine. I’m praying for you, your mom and family as she moves towards Heaven’s gate. Hugs,Rebecca
I so appreciate your prayers and your kind comments. Blessings, Rebecca.
Hugs and love to you as you walk this path precious friend…may His peace completely cover you! Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.
Amen, Robin. Thank you ever so much.
Wonderfully said, Elaine. I know how heartbreaking it is to have to sit by and watch your parent die. There is nothing you can do, except pray for a peaceful exit and hope that they are truly saved. At the time of death, both of my parents (my mom was only 57 and my dad was 72) were being kept alive by machines before passing. I sat beside them both as the tubes were removed and until they took their last breath. Only God knows a person’s true heart. You have been blessed to have your mother for so long and I know that Heaven will rejoice once she joins Jesus. My heart goes out to you. Hugs, Debbie
Thanks for sharing, Debbie. I know you understand the difficulty. Blessings, my friend.
Your wonderful words were the message that the world needs to hear and comprehend.Truth,love and hope for eternity. May peace and grace be yours as you face the reality of life.
Thank you, dear Irmgard. ((HUGS))
Beautiful and convicting words, Elaine. A friend of mine who lost her daughter to a prolonged illness was able to express the joy she felt that she and her daughter would see each other again. She said, “She hasn’t really gone. She just changed addresses.” I like that.
My thoughts and prayers will be with you. I’m so sorry you have to go through this, but you have the assurance of Heaven. God bless your family at this time.
So sorry to hear. Hugs and prayers always!!!
Let us know if you need anything. Your message was beautiful and so well said – I know it will touch the hearts of all who read it.
Love ya all -Becky