The New Year is always a time for reflection. While others may commit to resolutions or one word to focus on for the new year, I tend to make it more of a time to contemplate many things: My writing, my goals, my relationships, my planner schedule! So much to be considered!
And as I think about starting a New Year, I want to be, more than anything, an obedient servant of the Lord. I want to pray more about each and every decision, trusting that God will show me the way.
While I want to attend every writer’s conference that I can, I pray for wisdom to choose the right ones.
While I want to write every novel idea swimming around in my head, I want to actually pen the ones that the Lord guides me to write.
While I want to do so many things this year, I need His wisdom to do that which pleases Him.
This may sound so simple. Yet in my busy life, which only seems to get busier, I need discernment. And I must pray for that and for wisdom, and for obedience to God’s direction.
To try to pick just one word for 2018 seems nearly impossible. And that’s OK. It may be a trendy post on social media to choose “one word” for the year but life is filled with many things, including my family who I treasure so very much.
One thing I know is that I have great anticipation for 2018. Somehow 2017 left me with many insecurities and yet I know if I entrust even this to God, He will refresh me with being secure in Him.
On Monday January 8, I’ll be participating in a nine-author Facebook party with books that contain the theme of “New Beginnings.” My 2nd Deer Run Saga book seems to fit that category, so I’ll be adding that book to the prize package. But for those who read this blog post and leave a comment, I will choose one winner of a signed paperback of Promise of Deer Run. Just a way to say “thanks” to my many supporters as we begin the year of our Lord, 2018! May your New Year be blessed!
To join the Jan. 8 party, go to this link.
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I really LOVED this book!!
Thank you!! So happy you did! 🙂 Have a blessed New Year.