The flight attendant’s voice pierced through the crowded jet cabin as we neared our destination: “Ladies and gentlemen, after we have landed, please remain in your seats until we have rectified…the situation.”
As a frequent flyer to visit my grandkids, those were words I never recalled hearing before.
What exactly was the situation that needed to be “rectified?”
Most of us were in complete ignorance of any problem. But we knew that we needed to go along with the crew’s instructions. All we could do at that moment was stay in our seats, follow the directives and wait for the airline personnel to deal with the “situation.” It took faith and obedience on our part to cooperate with the big plan that, ultimately, could protect our lives.
After we’d landed and sat quietly in our seats with our belts still buckled, we all gasped at the sight of armed police walking down the aisle and removing a passenger. Rumor filtered towards the back where I was sitting—murmurings that this passenger had tried to open the emergency exit inflight.
More than one set of eyes widened with disbelief as we realized that we had been in danger—yet one man sitting nearby had witnessed the event and interceded. He likely saved us all.
It somehow seemed a fitting incident to occur on Easter week.
Most of us walk through our day, oblivious to danger. Many sail through life, unaware that there is a situation that needs to be rectified—namely, our sin.
We can be so caught up in our journey that we fail to notice that the flight is nearing its destination. Had it not been for the one passenger who interceded on our behalf, for our safety and concern, none of us knows what the outcome might have been.
Humanity has our own intercessor in the spiritual world of darkness. His name is Jesus Christ. And on this Holy Week of remembering His death, burial and triumphant resurrection, let us not forget that He has rectified our sin situation. But it is up to us to cooperate with His plan and, by obedience, acknowledge our need for His salvation.
May your Easter be blessed.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.” 1 Peter 1:3-5 NIV
I’m sure there are many other incidents in our lives where God blocks “the bad” or sends angels to hold back evil. Someday … we may know the times we were protected. 🙂 God bless you!
Agreed, Karen. Now, we see through a glass darkly.But someday… 🙂 Thanks so much for commenting.
What a powerful message, Elaine! I’m sure we will be amazed when we see the number of times God has interceded on our behalf! Thanks be to God for sending His Son to save us!!
Amen, Carolyn! Thanks for coming by. 🙂