Sometimes dreams unfold slowly. Often the journey to fulfillment takes many winding and bumpy roads before the path emerges onto a smooth road. That’s when you look back and realize it was worth all the effort to get to the highway. That’s how I feel with the re-birth of the Deer Run Saga.
And in just one week, the brand new cover for Road to Deer Run will be revealed. The book itself will release on December 10.
The idea for Road to Deer Run was planted in my heart in 2007, exactly four years after the death of my daughter. It was an anniversary of her loss spent like most—hiding under my bed covers. I had no intention of climbing out of my quilted cave to face a world without Bethany. Then an inaudible voice spoke to my heart. It was as clear as if I’d heard it with my ears: A directive to write a book based on my ancestors.
Well, that wasn’t in my plan. I was already working full time as a nurse. Besides, I had given up writing altogether. I had tried creating an article one time after Bethany’s death, only to realize that bleeding words onto a keyboard was far too painful. No more writing for me, I determined.

And then the still small voice beckoned me out from beneath the covers.
I was confused, not to mention embarrassed. What would I tell my husband? Apparently God had that taken care of as Steve did not question my sanity, but took me to the used bookstore to start my research. It was just another adventure at the Cooper house.
So after a stint of self-publishing in 2010, the Deer Run Saga has a contract with a new publisher, new edits and brand new cover, which I can’t wait to share with you. Road to Deer Run’s cover will be revealed first.
In the meantime, I’ll share photos of a visit to the land of my ancestors in Massachusetts. The path they trod, the stone walls they likely created, the granite monument that now memorializes where Daniel Prince built his first home in America. It was an inspiring journey of connecting with my family’s past while seeing God’s hand in the present.