Bleary-eyed, I dragged my carry-on luggage down the freezing jet ramp toward the airport terminal.
I hadn’t slept one moment on the red-eye flight and could barely focus on my destination to a connecting flight that would take me home.
I need some caffeine.
The crowded walkways were filled with others who seemed far more energetic than myself.
They must have already had their coffee—or at least got some sleep last night.
Every coffee shop seemed packed with caffeine-cravers except for one. It seemed to have a temporary lull in the line. Hurrying as fast as my weary legs would drag me, I positioned myself in the short row of customers.
Since I was fighting a cold, I decided that tea would be a wise choice. Perfect with the fresh scones displayed in the window, I thought.
The four ladies behind the counter rushed to fill customer orders. They moved in dance-like synchronization, never colliding with their co-workers. But it was obvious they struggled to complete their busy tasks of grabbing muffins and making lattes.
One of the baristas seemed especially frazzled at that moment and my ears perked up when she voiced an audible plea. “Jesus. Help me, sweet Jesus.”
I felt a smile creep up my cheeks. “At least you’re asking for help from the One Who can help you.”
She paused for a moment with a delighted expression and inhaled her pleasure with a smile. Lifting her lovely brown hand high in the air in a “high-five” maneuver, I gently met her palm with my own. We exchanged smiles of sweet fellowship, connecting in a way that believers in Jesus Christ do. In the midst of the busy throng, Jesus had connected our spirits with His.
We both grinned through the business transaction, grateful in the knowledge that wherever we go, He is there. And so are His believers.
It was a moment of joy and encouragement that overshadowed the weariness and the cares of this world—the connection of fellow Christians.
It was a gift to carry in my heart and refresh my soul.
“All the believers were one in heart and mind.” (Acts 4:32 NIV)
“Encourage one another and build each other up.” (1Thessalonians 5:11 NIV)
Beautiful story, Elaine, and beautifully told. I felt myself right there in that moment with you, time standing still though the busyness around raged on. How beautiful is the Body of Christ!
Amen, Sister!!
What a heartwarming story. I’m sure the barista was equally blessed by your presence in the shop.