While we celebrate the birth of America today, please extend a silent moment of thanks to God for the many who sacrificed to birth the United States of America. While there were fewer casualties in this war than there were in the 19th century War between the States, the colonists clashed with opponents who were often members of their own family. It was a civil war in every sense of the word.
As I peal through books about Rhode Island during the Revolution—a state I knew little about before researching this current manuscript I’m writing—I am once again awed by the people who fought to free this country from England. Some were wealthy, some simple farmers or tradesman. Some were even slaves fighting for their freedom.
But the women left at home with children and farms to tend carried their own burdens. Imagine not knowing for months or years if your son or husband was safe. Communication was so difficult. People wrote letters but they could be intercepted. And after battles, mass graves were dug to inter the bodies. Often there were no family graves for the widows and mothers to set flowers upon.
Even the signers of the Declaration of Independence did so at the risk of their lives and their fortunes. Many lost both.
So I pray you enjoy this holiday. But I ask that you take a moment to pray for the Americans who serve our country today.
And take another moment to get a book about the American Revolution. There are a trove of them at your library or in bookstores. You will likely come away more grateful than ever for the 4th of July holiday. It was a day to remember, indeed.
Hi Elaine–
This is a new slant on the Revolution. Thanks for noting this…and no where was this personified than in N.Y. Sir Wiliam Johnson’s family were Loyalists, Benedict Arnold, once a Patriot, turned his back on his country here…but the Mohawk Valley persevered under General Herkimer at Oriskany. And I’m embarrassed to say it was the last state to become pt. of the newly formed country. I wonder if the patriots had to fight all that much harder.
Hi Pat! Yes, especially in New York City where the Tories were the majority. Many areas in the colonies had citizens on both sides—or road the fence in the middle—but some towns were known for having residents of one sympathy or another. Arlington, MA where I grew up, was mostly Patriots and they would paint the chimneys white on Tory homes. In some of my research, it’s noted that when the Brits would attack certain towns, the Tories mistakenly thought their allegiance to the king would protect them from the ravages of the British troops. But they found out the hard way, when they were plundered as much as the Patriots. I loved visiting the Herkimer home a few years ago. Beautiful country!! Thanks so much for commenting.
Great reminder, Elaine. I remember writing in Colonial Quills about this being America’s first civil war.
Yes, it was heartbreaking to think of the many families torn apart by their beliefs. I suppose not completely unlike today. Praying for peace in this land.
Very good reminder for us all Elaine. I hope you had a wonderful Independence Day!
I pray for America and our military.
Blessings, Tina
Yes, I have had a blessed 4th. I’m knee deep in my latest Rev. War novel. 🙂 Yes, prayers for America and our military are needed. Thanks so much for commenting!